Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays from CNYTEEA!
I wish you all a very Merry Christmas, Happy Holiday and a Joyous New Year! The "Santa" above is from a photograph of my late father, André OBJ Lepine. He was and still is my inspiration with my teaching career. He taught Agricultural Education & was a FFA Advisor for 36 years. Additionally he made the holiday season so much fun as he would distribute presents with hand offs, long bombs and around the back passes to all the family on Christmas mornings! We learned at an early age to not give fragile gifts :-)
Great example of Design, Drawing for Production
For those DDP, PLW & teachers of design, a friend forwarded me an e-mail they received from a friend. Their college aged son is at a local college studying design. "....Derek and a classmate have designed a new accessory for iPhone and smart phone users. As part of a class assignment it was accepted for funding at Kickstarter and has launched the campaign today. I wanted all of you to know and to see the product, so I've attached the link to it below:
Check it out...if it looks good and you feel you can/want to- pledge a little to show support- great. Or just spread the word to your friends and iPhone users to see if it's a product they want.
It's gotten great buzz and encouragement from the professors at the design school and some high tech professionals who have seen the video.
The factory in China is ready to make them, so if this funding launch works out the Tidytilts will be available early in 2012."
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
“STEM-agedden: FLL, MoonBots & FTC Robotics”
TACNY Jr. Café Scientifique
“STEM-agedden: FLL, MoonBots & FTC Robotics”
Saturday, December 17, 2011
9:30a.m. - 11:00a.m.
Milton J. Rubenstein Museum of Science & Technology (MOST), Armory Square Syracuse, New York
Speakers: Robert A. Payne, MS, and Lisa M. Payne, MS, are the coaches of the New Hartford RoboSpartans, FIRST Tech Challenge Team #4082, a FIRST® LEGO® League team, and a MoonBots team.
Talk Overview: An introduction to LEGO® MINDSTORMS® robotics and robotics initiatives: FIRST® (For Inspiration and Recognition ofScience and Technology) including FIRST LEGO League (FLL) & FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) as well as FIRST sponsored summer program, MoonBots: A Google Lunar XPRIZE Challenge. Attendees will experience live demonstrations and breakout discussions with student team members on a variety of robots programmed using NXTG and ROBOTIC.
Biography: Bob and Lisa have coached the RoboSpartans as a FIRST? LOGO? League team for two years and are in their second year with a MoonBots & FTC team. The New Hartford RoboSpartans were the 2011 Connecticut FTC Think Award Winners, the 2011 Hudson Valley Connect Award Winners, and have won 12 FLL trophies in 10 tournaments in two years. Bob recently joined Dataport Systems, Inc., in Holland Patent, New York, with 20 years in senior management with regional organizations including VP at both Human Technologies, Inc. and Sturges Manufacturing, Inc. Bob is an adjunct instructor at SUNY Institute of Technology. Lisa is an independent Training & Marketing Communications Consultant with LMP Creative Solutions with 18 years experience with Central New York companies.
About the Technology Alliance of Central New York (“TACNY”):
Founded in 1903 as the Technology Club of Syracuse, the Technology Alliance of Central New York enhances and facilitates the development, growth and advancement of education, awareness and historical appreciation of technology within Central New York. Through its programs and support efforts, TACNY seeks to further serve members, as well as educational groups and institutions with similar missions, and be the key link among technical societies in Central New York.
TACNY Jr. Café Scientifique, founded in 2005, is free, held most 3rd Saturdays, from September to June from 9:30a.m. - 11:00a.m. at the MOST. Participants must be accompanied by an adult and can explore the museum at no cost at the program conclusion.
Reservations are appreciated but not required two days prior to event:
Diane E. Darwish at jrcafe@tacny.org
Monday, December 5, 2011
Why should a young teacher get involved with CNYTEEA/NYSTEEA events?
Last summer, I had the pleasure to interview one of CNYTEEA's 75th Anniversary Honorees, Tom LaClair. I posed the above question to him... I think every Technology Education Teacher should give his response a listen to with some deep thought. Then ask yourself the question... Am I doing enough?
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Update on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7TH TOUR at Comstock Art Facility
Our host for the Wednesday, December 7th Tour, Dusty Herbig, states that everyone should come right to the building (TOUR STARTS @4:00 pm) where the printmaking studios are located ~ The Comstock Art Facility. The building is located directly north of the Carmelo Anthony Center (Manley Fieldhouse). He has worked it out with the parking lot security and we have clearance to park in the lot in front of the building.
Comstock Art Facility 1055 Comstock Ave. College of Visual & Performing Arts Syracuse University Syracuse, NY 13210 |
Dusty will be demonstrating photo-mechanical lithography, and some photo-mechanical letterpress…. and maybe another trick or two just for good measure! He will have a couple assistants, so whatever we demonstrate will result in some printed ephemera you and the others can take home.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
NYSTEEA Website needs digital images & videos from YOU!
Chuck Goodwin & our Regional Vice President, Mike Barbieri are soliciting Technology Teachers across the state to gather and send digital images and video productions to be put on the state's website.
Recently during a STTEA Region 43 meeting, They asked that the members there to forward any digital photos with accompanying text descriptions of what is going on in the picture.
Don Shultz of Owego Middle School (Owego, New York) sent, this AM, these 3 "brief You Tube videos showing a class wide culminating marble maze project.
As you can definitely see, in action, student design, team work,
subsystem integration, material fabrication, planning, and YES Engineering!!
It is a good beginning for NYSTEEA.org website material!
CNYTEEA members! Send in your video productions and photos to assist Chuck & Mike with this initiative!. They recommend, for the photos at least, that the teachers provide a release form signed by the parents.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Next CNYTEEA Tour: Art, Design, and Transmedia Department of Art Printmaking
Where: College of Visual and Performing Arts ~ Syracuse University
When: Wednesday, December 7th @ 4:30 pm
dustyherbig.comDusty Herbig is an artist and assistant professor in the Department of Art at Syracuse University in Central New York, where he teaches lithography, intaglio, serigraphy, relief, and all levels of advanced and graduate courses. Professor Herbig also serves as the director and master printer of Lake Effect Editions, the press of the Syracuse University printmaking program. Herbig earned an M.F.A. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2002 and a B.F.A. from Fort Hays State University in Hays, Kansas, in 1996. He currently lives and works in Syracuse, N.Y.
Herbig exhibits nationally, participating in juried exhibitions in all corners of the U.S.: Miami, Los Angeles, Chicago, Portland, San Francisco, New York City, and internationally, including exhibitions in Japan, Canada, China, Argentina, Spain, Pakistan, Taiwan, Brazil, Germany, South Korea, and Poland. His socially provocative work is in the permanent collections of many institutions, including the Minneapolis Institute of the Arts; KUMU; the Art Museum of Estonia; Spencer Museum of Art in Lawrence, Kansas; the Hunterdon Museum of Art, Hunterdon, N.J.; the Kala Art Institute in Berkeley, California; and Robert Blackburn Printmaking Workshop, New York City, among others. Herbig is also the recipient of a 2011 New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) Fellowship in Printmaking, Drawing, and Book Arts
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Dusty Herbig ~ Assistant Professor Art, Design, and Transmedia |
Skaneateles Technology & Engineering Program Tour
Congratulations and a big thank you to Scott Stagnitta, Rob Tuttle and Matt Slauson for their excellent presentation/tour of their Middle & High School Technology & Engineering Programs and Facilities. Unfortunately the turnout was minimal, but those who did attend were very impressed and witnessed a department that has done a magnificent job of embracing engineering, robotics while continuing production technology. The first presentation was in Scott Stagnitta's Middle School Robotics Lab, where his students work in small teams using Lego Mindstorms. He has produced a series of videos on YouTube on many of his students' projects. He also used a very cool presentation software called Prezi. It is web~based and the basic version is free.
Rob Tuttle demonstrated the numerous and relevant projects that his DDP & PLW classes produce using their Laser Engraver. They use a great mix of student driven projects along with providing signage service for their faculty, administration and the community. An outstanding example on how to promote your students and program.
The last stop was at Matt Slauson's PLTW Lab. where he featured their "Mandolin Design & Manufacturing" program. Through the entire process, the students use the Laser Engraver to cut out parts, lamination of the neck, gluing and bracing, using the CNC Router to shape the neck, side bending and mass production to produce beautiful musical instruments.
KUDOS to the Skaneateles Technology & Engineering Department!
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Fellowship, Food and Good Times at Red Rooster Pub! |
Monday, November 7, 2011
CNYTEEA Tour @ Skaneateles C.S. WEDNESDAY ~ NOV. 9th
On Wednesday, November 9th @ 4pm, the Technology & Engineering Department of Skaneateles Central School will be presenting their programs. Representing the Skaneateles Technology & Engineering Education Program will be Scott Stagnitta (Middle School), Rob Tuttle (Middle & High School), and Matt Slauson (High School).
Rob Tuttle will be presenting the topic of using a Laser Engraver to enhance class projects in technology and engineering. They currently have a Universal Laser System M300 that they use in almost every High School, and even some of the Middle School classes.
Matthew Slauson will be presenting on how he uses musical instrument building in the Computer Integrated Manufacturing class as well as touch on the use of Arduino Microcontrollers.
One of the programs that we will be touring will be in Scott Stagnitta’s Middle School Technology Facility. His philosophy is that by introducing LEGO MINDSTORMS to your students, they will experience a fun, exciting, and practical application of math, science and technology. Solving the robotic challenges involves mechanical engineering, computer programming, problem solving, cooperative learning and communication skills. Projects can be adjusted as to the degree of difficulty and complexity to cater to students of all ability levels. There are many benefits to incorporating Lego Mindstorms into your middle school curriculum. By establishing robotics in your middle school program, it helps encourage students to go into robotics-related fields. It encourages girls to consider engineering as a career option or just taking a pre-engineering high school course or college credit course.
Scott will share some projects that he has accomplished using Lego Mindstorms. A few key projects that he will present are the following: sumo wrestling robotics, maze-bot, robotic bowling (featured on the TV show Bridge Street on Channel 9), and a few others. Lego Robotics, will leave you with endless amount of projects that truly enhance your classroom and can make a huge impact with your students.
We will start the tour at his school ~ Skaneateles Middle School at 4:00 pm
35 East Street, Skaneateles NY, 13152
Direction tips:
When you turn into the parking lot, take your first left and park down by the commons area ( other end of parking lot, huge glass windows). Enter commons area and go left, go down the ramp and 2nd door on the left-hand side is the Technology Suite.
Mandate Relief ~ In the news and it isn't going away ~ PREPARE!
Below is an e-mail that was sent out recently...
RE: Mandate Relief!!
This article was in today's (Nov.2nd) Binghamton Press and Sun Bulletin newspaper. Here we go again!!
Relief from state mandates for local governments and school districts has been a perennially hot topic at the state Capitol, but especially so since the state enacted its property tax cap in June.
What contingencies can we begin to put into play?
The entire article can be found at the following link:
Charles H. Goodwin, DTE
New York State Technology & Engineering Educators Association (NYSTEEA)
NYSTEEA Advisory Council Chair
Bridge Build Em and Bust Em Volunteers Needed
Hi all, it's Bridges time again!
Thank you for volunteering at the Bridge Build 'm & Bust 'em Competition in the past, or showing interest for the 2011 competition. Without your support, students of CNY would not get to experience such a quality event! This year, the Bridge BeBe competition will be held at the MOST on Saturday, November 12, 2011 and volunteer training on Friday, November 11, 2010, at 5:00 pm, again at the MOST.
As you know there are many positions which need to be filled so if you have any specialty, or interest in a specific position, please let us know so that we may assign you appropriately. Here are some of the positions available; greeters, food and t-shirt distributors, specification checkers, registration, judges, testing station officials and support team, repair area assistants, data entry, bridge runners, bridge busters, stage crew, parking assistants, awards ceremony, clean up.
If you would like to volunteer in any capacity, or if a particular position suits your talents, please send us confirmation to bridges@most.org this week so that we may order t-shirts for each of you (include your t-shirt size) .
If you have any questions, please contact Peter or Christine at 425.9068 x2163.
Thank you for your help and commitment to this great event!
Thank you for volunteering at the Bridge Build 'm & Bust 'em Competition in the past, or showing interest for the 2011 competition. Without your support, students of CNY would not get to experience such a quality event! This year, the Bridge BeBe competition will be held at the MOST on Saturday, November 12, 2011 and volunteer training on Friday, November 11, 2010, at 5:00 pm, again at the MOST.
As you know there are many positions which need to be filled so if you have any specialty, or interest in a specific position, please let us know so that we may assign you appropriately. Here are some of the positions available; greeters, food and t-shirt distributors, specification checkers, registration, judges, testing station officials and support team, repair area assistants, data entry, bridge runners, bridge busters, stage crew, parking assistants, awards ceremony, clean up.
If you would like to volunteer in any capacity, or if a particular position suits your talents, please send us confirmation to bridges@most.org this week so that we may order t-shirts for each of you (include your t-shirt size) .
Also, if you know others, co-workers, friends, children, neighbours, who may like to volunteer, please forward this email to them and let them know contact us.
If you have any questions, please contact Peter or Christine at 425.9068 x2163.
Thank you for your help and commitment to this great event!
Bridge BeBe Team
TACNY Junior Café Scientifique “From Raptors to Rex: The Meat-Eating Dinosaurs”
Saturday, November 19, 2011 ~ 9:30a.m. - 11:00a.m., Bristol Omnitheater
Milton J. Rubenstein Museum of Science & Technology (MOST), Armory Square Syracuse, NY
Speaker: Richard A. Kissel, PhD, is a vertebrate paleontologist and Director of Teacher Programs at the Paleontological Research Institution in Ithaca, New York.
Talk Overview: For more than 200 years, the dusty bones of meat-eating dinosaurs have captured the imagination of young and old! Their dagger-like teeth and grotesque frames frighten and inspire. Perfectly evolved, they stalked their prey across every continent for 150 million years, diversifying into a host of forms. Meet the many members of this rich clan, explore their lives and behaviors, and discover how one lineage evolved into one of today’s most common sights: birds.
Biography: Dr. Richard Kissel is a vertebrate paleontologist and the Director of Teacher Programs at the Paleontological Research Institution and its Museum of the Earth. From the forests of Germany to the deserts of Texas, he has traveled the world in his studies of ancient amphibians, dinosaurs and other reptiles, and the ancient relatives of mammals. Richard’s interest in prehistoric life began at an early age; the remains of tree ferns and other 300-million-year-old fossils—found deep within the coalmines near his childhood home—fueled his imagination. In addition to his research, Richard has authored popular articles and children’s books on paleontology and the nature of science, and he is a featured online scientist at NOVA’s scienceNOW. From 2003-2008, Richard worked at The Field Museum in Chicago as a developer and the primary scientific advisor for Evolving Planet, the Museum’s 27,000-square-foot exhibition on the history of life on Earth. Richard holds a PhD in Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, an MS in Geosciences, and a BS in Geology. In addition to his role at PRI, Richard currently teaches courses at Cornell University and Ithaca College. He is also a scientific illustrator and cartoonist that creates on a nightly basis!
About the Technology Alliance of Central New York (“TACNY”):
Founded in 1903 as the Technology Club of Syracuse, the Technology Alliance of Central New York enhances and facilitates the development, growth and advancement of education, awareness and historical appreciation of technology within the Central New York Community. Through its programs and support efforts, TACNY seeks to further serve members, as well as educational groups and institutions with similar missions, and be the key link among technical societies in Central New York.
TACNY Jr. Café Scientifique, founded in 2005, is free, held most 3rd Saturdays, from September to June from 9:30a.m. - 11:00a.m. at the MOST. Participants must be accompanied by an adult and can explore the museum at no cost at the program conclusion.
Reservations are appreciated but not required two days prior to event:
Diane E. Darwish at jrcafe@tacny.org
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
New York Electrathon - Carrier Fall Invitational
To get more information and results please visit the NY Electrathon website:
http://nyelectrathon.com/Congratulations to all the schools, teams and dedicated teacher/coaches that made this event possible and such a success! Photography & Video by "Ye Olde" Joe Clayton
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Thursday & Friday, October 27/28th - SUNY Oswego Fall Conference
Wednesday, November 9th @ 4:00 pm - Engineering & Technology Education Program ~ Skaneateles High School ~ 49 E. Elizabeth St. ~ Skaneateles, NY 13152
Wednesday, December 7th @ 4:00 pm - School of Art & Design - Studio Arts
Professor Dusty Herbig
Wednesday, January 11th @ 4:00 pm - Cicero North Syracuse High School
Marty Miner
Wednesday, February 15th @ 4:00 pm - C.W. Baker High School ~ Baldwinsville
* Special Awards Presentation to Teacher of the Year (Paul Mizer) & Program of the Year
Wednesday, March 21st @ 4:00 pm - Syracuse Center of Excellence
Stacey Bunce
Wednesday, April 4th @ 4:30 pm - Aqua Vita Farms (Sherrill, NY) Aquaponics
Mark Doherty
Wednesday ~ Friday, April 18th to 20th - NYSTEEA Spring Conference
Syracuse University Sheraton ~ SU Campus
Wednesday, May 23rd @ 4:00 pm - Marty Collins' Hermitage
CNYTEEA Year End Picnic
Wednesday, November 9th @ 4:00 pm - Engineering & Technology Education Program ~ Skaneateles High School ~ 49 E. Elizabeth St. ~ Skaneateles, NY 13152
Wednesday, December 7th @ 4:00 pm - School of Art & Design - Studio Arts
Professor Dusty Herbig
Wednesday, January 11th @ 4:00 pm - Cicero North Syracuse High School
Marty Miner
Wednesday, February 15th @ 4:00 pm - C.W. Baker High School ~ Baldwinsville
* Special Awards Presentation to Teacher of the Year (Paul Mizer) & Program of the Year
Wednesday, March 21st @ 4:00 pm - Syracuse Center of Excellence
Stacey Bunce
Wednesday, April 4th @ 4:30 pm - Aqua Vita Farms (Sherrill, NY) Aquaponics
Mark Doherty
Wednesday ~ Friday, April 18th to 20th - NYSTEEA Spring Conference
Syracuse University Sheraton ~ SU Campus
Wednesday, May 23rd @ 4:00 pm - Marty Collins' Hermitage
CNYTEEA Year End Picnic
Sunday, October 16, 2011
SUNY Oswego Department of Technology Tour Impresses
Check out an article about the project: http://oswegocountytoday.com/?p=69218
Dept. Chair, Mark Hardy welcomes the CNYTEEA |
The "Furniture Shop" is the temporary home for a few of the production courses. |
The tour participants looking at the 250 Grothermal Wells ~ all 499 feet deep |
Looking out from Wilbur Hall on the construction of the School of Education Complex |
Dan Tryon explains the projected construction and renovations to Park & Wilbur Halls |
A quick visit to Aqua Vita Farm (Sherrill, NY)
This weekend, I was taking my Mom for a car ride and came upon a very cool place, Aqua Vita Farms. They have renovated one of the old Oneida Silver factory buildings into a giant aquaponic farm system. Below is a short video clip of their operation and CLICK HERE to link to a news article about them.
I will be calling the owner, Mark Doherty to arrange a possible CNYTEEA tour in May. Let me know if you are interested?
I will be calling the owner, Mark Doherty to arrange a possible CNYTEEA tour in May. Let me know if you are interested?
Monday, October 3, 2011
CNYTEEA 1st Tour: Department of Technology Facilities and Curriculum Update Tour of Oswego State
When: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12th @ 4:30 pm
We will plan on about a 30-40minute presentation followed by a 30 minute walking tour. An overview of the curriculum updates that are driving the facility designs will be provided. The tour will be hosted by Dan Tryon and Mark Hardy.
Where: The meeting will start at the Wilbur Hall Lobby ~ SUNY Oswego
The Department of Technology at SUNY Oswego would like to invite you to
tour our facilities and see our plans for the future. The School of
Education is in the first phase of a multi-year renovation project where
all of Park Hall and most of Wilber Hall will be rebuilt. Come see the
construction that is currently underway, review plans for the future
facilities, and visit our existing labs.
CNYTEEA & local NYSTEEA membership rises for 2011~2012
Coming off the great success of our "75th Celebration" is the definite increase in our local and state membership. CNYTEEA Treasurer for Life, (and our Teacher of the Year) Paul Mizer, sent these numbers on our current membership. They are definitely a huge improvement from previous years, but there are many of you that read this blog that have not join our membership. I highly recommend that you do! Invest in your career and our discipline's future. It is never too late to send the check and membership form.
44 active NYSTEEA members
17 retired NYSTEEA members
56 active CNYTEEA members
29 retired CNYTEEA members
3 student CNYTEEA members
44 active NYSTEEA members
17 retired NYSTEEA members
56 active CNYTEEA members
29 retired CNYTEEA members
3 student CNYTEEA members
9 ITEA members
Bringing EbD into New York State ~ from Chuck Goodwin
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If you would like to support this effort, please click & printout complete the above form and mail it to Chuck Goodwin (12 Tudor Drive, Endicott, NY 13760) |
Re: Engineering by Design (EbD)
Please make copies of the attached one page doc. (purpose to build support for bringing EbD Curricula into NYS) and distribute during any Regional Assoc. or department Meetings that you attend. Then if you would, please collect them and mail the forms back to me. My address can be found below.
No one should be concerned about signing this doc. It is purely for each individual to
show their support for ANY teachers and their respective schools, that would ultimately desire EbD and
for them to gain access to this up to date EbD curricula (FREE) in N.Y.S. The information will be shared within an
extremely small group of folks. The EbD fee of $23,990.00, for each of the first three years, is the total amount needed for the entire state and NOT for individual school districts.
Schools that have PLTW, SCANTEK, and other vendor based programs that are happy with or do not want to change
will NOT be expected to deliver this EbD curricula. Many schools that cannot afford PLTW or Scantek and others..can
upon acceptance, have access to the up to date EbD curricula, online standards based pre and post tests and eventually professional development.
Additional EbD Curricula Info can be obtained at www.iteea.org
If you have any questions or concerns, then for sure please contact me at your earliest convenience.
This is important work to get up to date curricula into the hands of our NYS tech. ed. teachers that want it or need it.
Thanks for your support with this important effort. Engineering by Design (developed by Technology and Engineering
Educators and professors across the country) has the full endorsement of NYSTEEA.
Best to All,
Hudson & Mowins' Photovoltaic Cell System
My students have been telling me about seeing large solar panels on top of
a local autobody & repair shop in Baldwinsville.... Hudson & Mowins. This afternoon
I stopped by and met Greg & Cathy Hudson! Here is the video that I shot with my iPhone!
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
TACNY Junior Cafe Scientifique
Hello from TACNY's Junior Cafe Scientifique!
We invite you to attend TACNY's Junior Cafe Scientifique speaker series! Download a brochure that includes details of the various lectures for the 2011-12 academic year.
Junior Cafe Scientifique is targeted toward middle school students (although students and adults of all ages are welcome and encouraged to attend) and features an interactive discussion with a different scientist, engineer, or technologist each month. Junior Cafe Scientifique is sponsored by TACNY, the Technology Alliance of Central New York. The talks are held at the Milton J. Rubenstein Museum of Science & Technology (MOST), 500 South Franklin Street, in Syracuse's Armory Square, from 9:30 - 11:00 a.m. most 3rd Saturdays of the month from September to June. Following the lecture, please stay and explore the MOST as TACNY's guest!
Questions? Suggestions? Please email jrcafe@tacny.org.
We hope to see you at the next lecture on October 15th!
We invite you to attend TACNY's Junior Cafe Scientifique speaker series! Download a brochure that includes details of the various lectures for the 2011-12 academic year.
Junior Cafe Scientifique is targeted toward middle school students (although students and adults of all ages are welcome and encouraged to attend) and features an interactive discussion with a different scientist, engineer, or technologist each month. Junior Cafe Scientifique is sponsored by TACNY, the Technology Alliance of Central New York. The talks are held at the Milton J. Rubenstein Museum of Science & Technology (MOST), 500 South Franklin Street, in Syracuse's Armory Square, from 9:30 - 11:00 a.m. most 3rd Saturdays of the month from September to June. Following the lecture, please stay and explore the MOST as TACNY's guest!
Questions? Suggestions? Please email jrcafe@tacny.org.
We hope to see you at the next lecture on October 15th!
TACNY Junior Café Scientifique ~ Saturday, October 15th
TACNY Junior Café Scientifique
“Creepy Chemistry: Glowing Pumpkins, Magical Genies, Mysterious Fog and Much More!”
Saturday, October 15, 2011
9:30a.m. - 11:00a.m.
Milton J. Rubenstein Museum of Science & Technology (MOST), Armory Square Syracuse, New York
Speaker: Neal M. Abrams, PhD, is an Assistant Professor of Chemistry at SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry.
Talk Overview: Ready to be spooked out of your seat? Join the TACNY Jr. Café on October 15th to see the chemistry behind glowing pumpkins, magical genies, bleeding paper, and mysterious fog. Dr. Neal Abrams from SUNY ESF will present a series of interactive Halloween chemistry demonstrations that will be sure to delight young and old alike. Come make your own slimy worms and celebrate the season!
Biography: Dr. Neal Abrams obtained his bachelor’s degree in chemistry and certification in teaching from Ithaca College, completed his doctorate at Penn State University, and was a postdoctoral researcher at Cornell University. At ESF, Neal instructs the general chemistry labs and co-teaches a course in renewable energy. He also directs a chemistry research program centered on renewable energy and is the faculty advisor for the ESF chemistry club.
About the Technology Alliance of Central New York (“TACNY”):
Founded in 1903 as the Technology Club of Syracuse, the Technology Alliance of Central New York enhances and facilitates the development, growth and advancement of education, awareness and historical appreciation of technology within the Central New York Community. Through its programs and support efforts, TACNY seeks to further serve members, as well as educational groups and institutions with similar missions, and be the key link among technical societies in Central New York.
TACNY Jr. Café Scientifique, founded in 2005, is free, held most 3rd Saturdays, from September to June from 9:30a.m. - 11:00a.m. at the MOST. Participants must be accompanied by an adult and can explore the museum at no cost at the program conclusion.
Reservations are appreciated but not required two days prior to event:
Diane E. Darwish at jrcafe@tacny.org
Tuition Free Robotics (STEM) Workshop opportunity in your area
Thinking of starting a Robotics Program? - Looking for ideas on how to enhance your existing robotics Program? - Want to learn about Robotic competitions?Intelitek and West Genesee HS have organized a one day hands on workshop to answer many of the frequently asked questions that educators interested in this exciting and motivational course offering are asking.
Date: Oct 14, 2011 Time: 8 AM - 3 PM
Date: Oct 14, 2011 Time: 8 AM - 3 PM
Location: West Genesee High School -Pre-Engineering Lab
Cost: Free
5201 West Genesee St.
Seating Limited.„ Please register by Oct 13, 2011
Lunch will be provided
Intelitek is a world-leading developer, producer and supplier of Blended Learning Technology Training Systems. For over two decades we have provided NY schools with comprehensive training solutions for engineering, manufacturing, automation and industrial technologies, including CAD, CAM, CNC, robotics, industrial maintenance, mechatronics, FMS,and CIM. If you are unable to attend and require more information, free evaluation material, or an on-site presentation please visit our web-site www.intelitek.com
Please share this invitation with your colleagues!Link to agenda - http://issuu.com/intelitek/docs/rec_workshop_wgenessee_101411?mode=embed&viewMode=presentation&layout=http%3A%2F%2Fskin.issuu.com%2Fv%2Flight%2Flayout.xml&showFlipBtn=true
Web link to a detailed Agenda (below)
The Robotic Engineering Curriculum is just one of the West Genesee HS course offerings that make up their NYS certified Pre-Engineering Program.
TACNY: Sweet Lecture Series: Nanotechnology: Driving a 21st Century Educational and Economic Renaissance in New York State
The Technology Alliance of Central New York (TACNY) and the Tech Garden will host an exciting presentation on Upstate New York's emerging nanotechnology industry as part of TACNY's 2011-2012 Sweet Lecture Series. "Nanotechnology: Driving a 21st Century Educational and Economic Renaissance in New York State" is scheduled for Tuesday, October 11, 2011 at 6 p.m. Dr. Alain E. Kaloyeros, Senior Vice President and Chief Executive Officer, College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering (CNSE) of the University at Albany-SUNY, is the featured speaker.
The event will be held at the Whitney Applied Technology Center at Onondaga Community College. Admission is free and the event is open to the public. Dr. Kaloyeros will provide an overview of nanotechnology and will describe regional initiatives, including CNSE's partnership with Lockheed Martin and CenterState CEO. Catalyzed by a New York State Assembly investment, the Nanotechnology Innovation and Commercialization Excelerator (NICE) is designed to accelerate critical 21st century technologies and attract additional nanotechnology growth to Central New York.
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