The Technology Alliance of Central New York (TACNY) will host its signature event, the Celebration of Technology Awards Banquet, on September 19, 2011. It will feature Deanne Bell as the guest celebrity speaker. Bell is possibly the most popular woman engineer in the country. As a television personality, she is best known as co-host of PBS's Design Squad and engineer host of DIY Network's Money Hunters. The event is an opportunity for the technology community to recognize the outstanding achievements of local technologists and educators.
TACNY's mission includes fostering innovation by increasing the number of graduates in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). The group collaborates with local schools and other educational institutions to generate interest in the STEM disciplines among middle and high school students. Organizers are looking to ignite students' passion about technology, and they believe Bell is just the speaker to do it. See the attached documents for registration and sponsorship information. Contact or check out in the near future for information on nominations.
TACNY hosts presentations geared toward middle school students and supports a myriad of local and regional events. These include the Build 'Em and Bust 'Em competition and the CNY Rocket Team Challenge, just to name a few. The group also offers lectures and tours that address the interests of technology professionals, educators, and other adults who simply want to become more tech-savvy.
Founded in 1903 as the Technology Club of Syracuse, the Technology Alliance of Central New York is a nonprofit organization that facilitates technology education, awareness, and the historical appreciation of technology within the Central New York community. Through its programs and support efforts, the Technology Alliance seeks to serve members, educational groups, and institutions with similar missions, and continues to be the key link among technical societies in Central New York.
Contact: Bill Busher at
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
SURVEY SAYS: 2010-2011 CNYTEA & NYSTEA Membership
Membership in both our local and state was down this past year. Even though our CNY region had the largest NYSTEA membership in the state, our numbers were down. Nearly 20% of those that were not members selected that they missed the Steak Roast. Or they then got too busy with their school business that they never bothered to send the check. This is understandable, but this oversight cannot continue if we are to stay viable in the eyes of the Regents Board.
The encouraging bit of news is that almost all of those who did not join last year to plan on attending this fall's "75th Anniversary Celebration & Annual Steak Roast" on September 14th, 2011 AND do plan joining the local & state associations. We will be reminding eveyone with e-mails, the blog and we will send ONE LETTER (with membership form) in the mail during the summer. Being an optimist.... I do feel a slight pulse ;-)!
SURVEY SAYS: 2011~2012 Dues should be:
$10 ~ 20%
$15 ~ 14.3%
$20 ~ 42.9%
$25 ~ 28.6%
The results indicate that the dollar amount for the local dues wasn't a big issue for most that participated. I'll talk to some of the state leadership and with our Treasurer, Paul Mizer, and we'll come up with something that will be a bit different that was has been offered previously. I'll try to provide you all with a new CNYTEEA/NYSTEEA membership form BEFORE THE END OF THE SUMMER.
$15 ~ 14.3%
$20 ~ 42.9%
$25 ~ 28.6%
The results indicate that the dollar amount for the local dues wasn't a big issue for most that participated. I'll talk to some of the state leadership and with our Treasurer, Paul Mizer, and we'll come up with something that will be a bit different that was has been offered previously. I'll try to provide you all with a new CNYTEEA/NYSTEEA membership form BEFORE THE END OF THE SUMMER.
SURVEY SAYS: Tour Suggestions
• FM - Wellwood
• CNS High School
• SUNY Morrisville' Alternative Energy Program
• West Genesse's new technology building
• Skaneateles High School
• Oswego Middle School
• Oswego State
• Auburn High School
• Syracuse Center of Excellence
• Upper West Side Energy Efficient Housing
• Paul Delima's Solar & Wind Energy Sales Branch
• ORCRA's Waste Facility on Rock Ridge
• Welch Allyn
• Crucible
• Novellis
• Killian Bearing
• Schneider Packaging
• Tessy Plastics
• Harris Pattern Works
• Sensis
• Budweiser
• Ethanol Plant - Fulton
• Nixon Gear
• Marquardt Switches
These are great suggestions and definitely gives me great options! I will try to alternate from the two areas for consistent monthly tour meetings.
• FM - Wellwood
• CNS High School
• SUNY Morrisville' Alternative Energy Program
• West Genesse's new technology building
• Skaneateles High School
• Oswego Middle School
• Oswego State
• Auburn High School
• Syracuse Center of Excellence
• Upper West Side Energy Efficient Housing
• Paul Delima's Solar & Wind Energy Sales Branch
• ORCRA's Waste Facility on Rock Ridge
• Welch Allyn
• Crucible
• Novellis
• Killian Bearing
• Schneider Packaging
• Tessy Plastics
• Harris Pattern Works
• Sensis
• Budweiser
• Ethanol Plant - Fulton
• Nixon Gear
• Marquardt Switches
These are great suggestions and definitely gives me great options! I will try to alternate from the two areas for consistent monthly tour meetings.
SURVEY SAYS: Nominations for the CNYTEEA Teacher of the Year
What I plan on doing is to create a simple voting ballot for the "75th Anniversary Celebration & Annual Steak Roast" (Weds. September 14th ... see a repeating theme here ;-)) with the following names on it. We will vote and we will select our 2011~2012 CNYTEEA Teacher of the Year during that evening.
Greg Bailey - Hannibal CSD
Tom Davis - Pine Grove Middle - ESM
Todd Dischinger - Liverpool High School
Jason Fabian - CNS High School
Jeff Fortais - Baker High School - Baldwinsville
Marty Miner - CNS High School
Paul Mizer - Baker High School - Baldwinsville
Thuc Phan - Cazenovia High School
Lynn Zajac - Roxboro Road Middle - CNS
Greg Bailey - Hannibal CSD
Tom Davis - Pine Grove Middle - ESM
Todd Dischinger - Liverpool High School
Jason Fabian - CNS High School
Jeff Fortais - Baker High School - Baldwinsville
Marty Miner - CNS High School
Paul Mizer - Baker High School - Baldwinsville
Thuc Phan - Cazenovia High School
Lynn Zajac - Roxboro Road Middle - CNS
C.W. Baker High School Technology Education's TECH FEST
Congratulations on a job well done to C.W. Baker High School's Technology Education Department members; Maria Coglitore, Jamie Cuyler, Jeff Fortais, Matt Hudson and Paul Mizer with their "Tech Fest" that was held on Thursday, June 9th. The Technology Students were impressive! KUDOS to all the students, teachers and the volunteer judges for promoting the best of our discipline! This is the type of event that makes the difference!

Chris Hurd's Most Excellent Summer Vacation Adventure
In a recent e-mail, Cazenovia High School Technology Teacher & our 2011 "Teacher of the Year" sent this message:
For those of you who didn't know; sorry, it all happened pretty quickly, I am going to British Columbia to make some videos for PLTW CIM at a Mountain bike manufacturing facility called Straitline Components. Ever see "How It's Made" on the discovery channel? Just like that, except about Manufacturing Processes.
Below are the links to my blog on chrisandjim website and I hopefully will be updating it daily with pictures and video of the factory and processes that go on in it. My students are looking forward to the updates.
This is where I'll be adding updates:
This one explains what's going on:
I'm a little nervous, and very excited!
Feel free to pass this on and I will see you when I get back!
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
NY Electrathon Challenge at the Glen ~ Huge Success!
Four teams from Central New York (Auburn, Baldwinsville, Cazenovia & Cicero North Syracuse) competed against teams from as far away as Canada and Maine. Fifteen teams from around the northeast came to The Glen to race in the first ever Electrathon event at the fabled speedway; it even drew the world record holder from Maine: C. Michael Lewis who came in first. The event was the first ever at the famous Indy/NASCAR road course, and those CNYTEEA members that came really made it an event to remember for over 500 people. KUDOS to our Region's Teacher of the Year, Chris Hurd (Cazenovia Technology Education), for all his hard work in getting this event on track! They are planning on racing two times next year. In the fall at Oswego Speedway and back at Glens Falls in the Spring. Check out the offical website for the results, videos & photos!
Hannibal Middle School Technology Model Rocket Team
This past Saturday (June 4th) Hannibal Technology Teacher, Greg Baily and his Middle School Students participated in the Central New York Rocket Team Challenge
Greg stated that his students had a great time with the whole process and he was quite impressed on the organization and quality of the event. His 6th grade team, The Rocket Warriors won best design. The overall results and videos will be posted on this website by the end of the week. Each rocket was equipped with a camera and altimeter both of which will be
posted on the website
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