Hi everyone,
Are you aware of the "New" New York State Teaching Standards
coming down the pike from State Ed.? BE IN THE KNOW!!
You can download the draft doc. in pdf format and provide feedback
via their survey.
Monday, December 13, 2010
A Request for Volunteers from Michael Hacker
I need to recruit four expert and experienced TechEd
teachers who would like to work as with us advisors on a
P-12 engineering and technology education (ETE) project that we will be
submitting in January for Funding to the national Science Foundation.
The project, called Engineering for All, has coalesced a renowned
group of STEM educators and disciplinary experts to develop
two major products: 1) a P-12 engineering and technology education
framework, and 2) a set of six exemplary middle school engineering
modules based upon it, that situate student work in important social
contexts (e.g., food, water, structural design). The materials will
support current ITEEA ETE initiatives.
I’ve attached a brief description of the project. The uniqueness of the
project stems from the target audience: all children, not just the elite few
that may wish to pursue careers in engineering. A salient part of the description states:
This Project’s engineering for all approach extends beyond school-based
engineering initiatives whose dominant focus is career preparation. To
capture their interest and open their minds to further STEM study and
attractive careers, EfA students will indeed be introduced to a wide
range of diverse engineers at work; but the heart of this Project lies
in engendering the vision of engineering articulated in the NAE’s Grand
Challenges as “seeking solutions to broad realms of human concern —
sustainability, health, vulnerability, and joy of living.”
This Project’s engineering for all approach extends beyond school-based
engineering initiatives whose dominant focus is career preparation.
Although EfA students will indeed be introduced to a wide range of
engineers at work, the heart of the Project lies in creating the vision
of engineering articulated in the NAE’s Grand Challenges: “seeking
solutions to broad realms of human concern — sustainability, health,
vulnerability, and joy of living.”
I am looking for four teachers to help us. They would serve two roles:
1. To meet with the design team as a focus group four times each
year during this five-year Project (starting in September 2011 if we
get funded) to provide formative feedback on the choice of curriculum
topics, the way they’ve been conceptualized, and the appropriateness of
the content and pedagogy; and
2. To pilot test two curriculum modules, each six weeks long,
with classes in Project years three and four (09/01/13-8/31/14 and
09/01/14-8/31/15). Our project would pay all expenses, support any
substitute teacher expenses that schools might incur, and pay for any
materials that they would need. They would be paid a small honorarium
for their work with us.
Would you be good enough to pass this along to teachers on the various
listservs that you moderate.
They can contact me directly at mhacker@nycap.rr.com
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
1st CNYTEA Tour & Meeting
When: Wednesday, January 19th @ 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Where: D.S. Ray Middle School - 7650 Van Buren Road - Baldwinsville
• Tour of the 6th & 7th Grade Technology Education Program
* Unique team teaching approach with myself & Annette Wallace
* Technology Money to incorporate reading & writing in Technology Class
* Use of teacher produced instructional digital videos
* 6th Grade (Model Rocketry, Woodworking Toolbox & Desktop Publishing)
* 7th Grade (check out the 7th Grade Blog)
• Demonstrate the Hydroponic & Aquaponic Garden Systems
• Demonstrate & promote the upcoming Lego Maglev & High Speed Rail Competition
• Nominations for "CNYTEA Teacher of the Year" & "CNYTEA Program of the Year"
• Announcements/Information about upcoming tours, STEM Conferences & the 75th Anniversary Event Planning.
• SAFETY GLASSES GIVE AWAY (Check out the info on side bar post ----->)
• Vote & Win a chance on a 12V Bosch Driver (Worth $179 ~ Syracuse Industrial Sales)
• $1.00 Bag of fresh picked Hydroponic Lettuce!
After Tour:
Hot Wing Feast at Quaker Steak & Lube
Where: D.S. Ray Middle School - 7650 Van Buren Road - Baldwinsville
• Tour of the 6th & 7th Grade Technology Education Program
* Unique team teaching approach with myself & Annette Wallace
* Technology Money to incorporate reading & writing in Technology Class
* Use of teacher produced instructional digital videos
* 6th Grade (Model Rocketry, Woodworking Toolbox & Desktop Publishing)
* 7th Grade (check out the 7th Grade Blog)
• Demonstrate the Hydroponic & Aquaponic Garden Systems
• Demonstrate & promote the upcoming Lego Maglev & High Speed Rail Competition
• Nominations for "CNYTEA Teacher of the Year" & "CNYTEA Program of the Year"
• Announcements/Information about upcoming tours, STEM Conferences & the 75th Anniversary Event Planning.
• SAFETY GLASSES GIVE AWAY (Check out the info on side bar post ----->)
• Vote & Win a chance on a 12V Bosch Driver (Worth $179 ~ Syracuse Industrial Sales)
• $1.00 Bag of fresh picked Hydroponic Lettuce!
After Tour:
Hot Wing Feast at Quaker Steak & Lube
CNYTEA will treat all to a few wings and soda, however adult beverages will be on your own!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
The Question: Should we include engineering in our association name?
OLD JOE’S editorial thoughts
It has been a long and complex history between the designers and builders on the planet. Many of the old craftsman, artisans and guild people were the designer, engineer, and builder. Many of the builders started out as builders, became engineers and then master builders overseeing projects. Ford, Edison, Hughs, Gates, Jobs, started as tinkers and in the end were they engineers, designers, marketers or businessmen? Or were they all of these in one. The problem as I see it is, the highly successful people are a bit of all four. In larger organizations there is a need for all these different disciplines to communicate and work very closely together. The companies that are most successful today are able to do this.
We in Technology Ed are in a unique spot in the comprehensive educational game. Because if we develop and execute good programs we can encourage students to bring all these different concepts into one area. I think that a good modern Technology program should include the where for all, for a student to be exposed to designing, engineering, drawing, building and evaluating a project to see how well it filled a need or solved a problem. Old IA was craftsmanship based, PLW is only engineering based, and STEM is also heavy on science and math and short on the final product. That leaves us the shop teacher to bring it all together in one program.
We must also consider the students we serve. Returning to the high school this year has been an eye opener to me. In seventh grade you have the entire population and kids try to do what ever you give them. High school you have a mixed group as well, but I found, students skills and abilities are much more defined. Some students also have difficulties working well with others on a team. What I like and have always liked about group process is that if student’s work together you can bring out the best they have to offer. This is where PLW, STEM, and old IA miss the mark. They only focused on one group not the entire body of students we have in a class. We are the real world of work. It is interesting to note, when I was in Europe that is what they called the course “ The real world of work”
We have always had a problem with our name defining what we really are and do. First there was industrial arts. I refused to ever use this name as it reminded me of an artist in a factory painting a picture. I called us industrial technology or just plain ”SHOP”. But when we changed our name to Technology Education we started to get mixed up with computer technology and any other technology that came along. Adding engineering to our name would help a bit but I really do not think it clearly defines who we are and what we do. The Europeans may be on the right track as we really represent what happens in the real world. I have found over the years, that speaking to people other than colleagues, that when I tell them I’m a “SHOP” teacher they understand best what I do. Why do we have all these “workshops” on teacher training days? Because a workshop is a place where you bring it all together and make something happen. To bad it never happens in those teacher workshops.
I think the most descriptive name for us would be “Research and Development Teachers”. This is what we do, bring the designs, marketing, engineering, and production ideas together to develop prototypes for a new or improved product by solving all the problems to make it happen. But to answer the question I guess adding engineer to Technology Education Association would be a bit of help to explain what we do better. It is the buzzword these days. So we would be known as the “Technology and Engineering Education Association” or NYSTEEA. In Central New York that would be CNYTEEA. Good luck with this name thing. Please go to our blog and let Mo and I know what you think. We will vote on this at the state convention next spring. OLD JOE
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
STEM Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
AMTNYS, ASEE, NYSSPE, NYSTEA and STANYS will work collectively and collaboratively to deliver STEM Education in the spirit and vision of the NYS MST Frameworks and Learning Standards. We must take this approach to skillfully and completely address the concerted state and national cry for STEM Literacy.
Links to New York STEM & National STEM Coalition
Links to STEM Grant Opportunities
I will admit that I have not attended any workshops or seminars in regards to the STEM initiatives, so I encourage those that have to please respond to this post and share more information in regards to upcoming conferences and training.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Message from Outgoing CNYTEA President ~ Joe Clayton
We had a very good meeting at the Phoenix VFW in September and a most interesting few words from Dr. Melvin, Superintendent of North Syracuse Schools. A very interesting video was shown that had been well received at the State Conference last spring in Poughkeepsie. The disappointing part of our annual meeting was a very small turnout of only about 35 members.... 5 of which were from North Syracuse. When I first attended this meeting in 1965 the room was over full with 125 teachers attending. We have been on a slow decline the past ten years both at the local and state level, this needs to be changed!
I’m not sure what this means, but without a voice in Albany I do not see it as good for our cause. So-be-it as it may, the people who need to run and this organization and is members are the practicing teachers in the profession. I will continue along with Mo Lepine to run the organization until the December meeting when it has been our custom to elect new officers. Mo is doing a great job reaching out to you all and has developed several ways to do so. We need all of you as members and need to stand united in these times of tight budgets and program cutting. We also need to decide if we wish to celebrate our 75th Anniversary next spring, but we need a good turnout to make it worth the effort.
Sincerely, OLD JOE
CNYTEA Teacher of the Year & Program of the Year Nominations
One of the most important tasks that our organization has each year is to select and honor well deserving teachers and programs. As school districts struggle to economize their budgets and seek out justifications for cutting staff and programs, recognition and awards for individual teachers and programs can make the difference in whether a hard working teacher keeps their job or a vibrant program stays. IT IS OUR DUTY TO NOMINATE AND SELECT DESERVING TEACHERS AND PROGRAMS!
With that stated, PLEASE take a few moments and reflect about some of your colleagues that you feel deserve to be recognized and honored. Since this is late in the game to do this kind of thing, here is how I would like to conduct this nomination and voting process:
• e-mail me(mlepine@bville.org)with the name & school of your choices (Teacher and Program)
FYI - These are two separate awards so your nominations can be for different people/schools.
• I will then post the nominations and create an on-line blog voting booth and will send out
an e-mail inviting all to vote within a set time limit (two weeks).
• I will then tally the results and will post the winners on this blog. I'd like this process done by late February.
• The winning Program of the Year will be asked to host a meeting/tour at their school in March and both awards will be given at that time. The Teacher of the Year will also be encouraged to attend the NYSTEA Spring Conference to be recognized at the State Level.
HOWEVER.... Keep in mind.... the winning teachers and teachers from winning programs MUST BE CNYTEA & NYSTEA members! So please encourage them to join!
$50.00 for NYSTEA & $20 for CNYTEA
Go to this link to join: http://www.nystea.com/content/join-nystea
With that stated, PLEASE take a few moments and reflect about some of your colleagues that you feel deserve to be recognized and honored. Since this is late in the game to do this kind of thing, here is how I would like to conduct this nomination and voting process:
• e-mail me(mlepine@bville.org)with the name & school of your choices (Teacher and Program)
FYI - These are two separate awards so your nominations can be for different people/schools.
• I will then post the nominations and create an on-line blog voting booth and will send out
an e-mail inviting all to vote within a set time limit (two weeks).
• I will then tally the results and will post the winners on this blog. I'd like this process done by late February.
• The winning Program of the Year will be asked to host a meeting/tour at their school in March and both awards will be given at that time. The Teacher of the Year will also be encouraged to attend the NYSTEA Spring Conference to be recognized at the State Level.
HOWEVER.... Keep in mind.... the winning teachers and teachers from winning programs MUST BE CNYTEA & NYSTEA members! So please encourage them to join!
$50.00 for NYSTEA & $20 for CNYTEA
Go to this link to join: http://www.nystea.com/content/join-nystea
New York State TSA (Technology Student Association)
TSA is the organization for Technology Education Students grades 5 -12. TSA's mission is all about leadership and opportunities in technology, innovation, design and engineering. Members apply STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) concepts through co-curricular programs.
New York State's TSA Conference and Competitions will be held at Oswego State University sometime in March. To find out more about TSA: http://www.nystsa.com/index.htm
New York State's TSA Conference and Competitions will be held at Oswego State University sometime in March. To find out more about TSA: http://www.nystsa.com/index.htm
In Memory of Bob Gresham & Roy J. Potucek
This past year saw the passing of two devoted Industrial Arts/Technology Teachers from our Central New York Association. Bob Gresham taught at Phoenix High School and Roy Potucek taught at Liverpool High School. Both were well respected and loved by students and colleagues and will be greatly missed.
Congratulations to our recent CNYTEA Retirees!
One more time, on behalf of all the teachers from Central New York, I'd like to
MARTY COLLINS ~ Baldwinsville
PHIL MORGAN - Cicero North Syracuse
JOE CLAYTON ~ Cicero North Syracuse
for their years of excellence in the classroom and devotion to our discipline!
Thank you Marty, Phil, Tom, Phil and Joe for all that you have done in Technology Education throughout the years!
MARTY COLLINS ~ Baldwinsville
PHIL MORGAN - Cicero North Syracuse
JOE CLAYTON ~ Cicero North Syracuse
for their years of excellence in the classroom and devotion to our discipline!
Thank you Marty, Phil, Tom, Phil and Joe for all that you have done in Technology Education throughout the years!
Checking in with Gordon Turner
Long time Teacher, Curriculum Administrator and one of the leaders of the beginnings of Technoloogy Education, Gordon Turner is certainly enjoying his retirement!
Gordon and his wife now operate a very cool art studio, The Village of the Arts, which is a vibrant community of artists living and working together in Bradenton, Florida. With over thirty-five artists, the Village is Florida’s largest art community. Artwalks fill the streets with art lovers looking for affordable fine art, jewelry, ceramics, designer wear and collectibles of all kinds. You'll also find an inviting bookstore, gourmet cafes and many special events.
Gordon would love to hear from all of his old CNYTEA friends, please contact him
via e-mail: gturner1113@yahoo.com
Gordon and his wife now operate a very cool art studio, The Village of the Arts, which is a vibrant community of artists living and working together in Bradenton, Florida. With over thirty-five artists, the Village is Florida’s largest art community. Artwalks fill the streets with art lovers looking for affordable fine art, jewelry, ceramics, designer wear and collectibles of all kinds. You'll also find an inviting bookstore, gourmet cafes and many special events.
Gordon would love to hear from all of his old CNYTEA friends, please contact him
via e-mail: gturner1113@yahoo.com
CNYTEA Dues $20.00 (add this to the listed state membership dues)

Membership in your professional organization strengthens our profession. The benefits of membership and the accomplishments of the organization are numerous.
- Update of middle level and high school curricula
- A network of professional development workshops
- A network of mini conferences around the state
- A network of professional development workshops
- Organize and support a NYSTEA student competition
- Establishment of NYSTEA student scholarship fund
- Development of technology content that aligns with State and National standards
- Maintain an active web site that includes job listings
- Maintain contact with the State Education Department
- Monitor legislative and political action
- Monitor Board of Regents actions
- Promote Technology Education within the industrial and business community
- Expand our relationships with the math and science professional community
- NSF grant participationn
Monday, November 8, 2010
Tech Directions ~ Web & Print Magazine for Technology Education
Subscribe to an outstanding Technology Education resource (print & web) called Tech Directions. Many of you may already be subscribers, but if you're not... Have you renewed your subscription to Tech Directions for the school year? If not, do it today.
All of our monthly specials listed below are contained on one webpagehttp://techdirections.com/specialoffers.html. You can bookmark it and check back every month, knowing you will find the latest specials in one set location.
Project Sale – Classroom Projects CD Clearance Sale - $4.95!Our On-Demand Classroom Project Samplers on CD are being discontinued, so we need to clear out the remaining CDs we have in stock. Each CD contains three complete projects, a $20.85 value.
New Project – Teach Drafting Concepts with Students' Favorite Foods - Only $2.95
Students sometimes find some aspects of introductory drafting and design a bit boring, but you can make section and exploded views fun to learn with an activity in which they draw their favorite foods.
Tech Directions Inventors Contest – Ideas must be received by January 31.
We’ve just learned that famed professor and inventor Phineas T. Quirkbotham and his aspiring inventor nephew Thaddeus feel extremely concerned about the large number of people who end up homeless as a result of natural disasters like floods, earthquakes, and storms. The pro-fessor notes that millions can be displaced after each such incident, and, as a result, he and Thaddeus see an urgent need for effective and inexpensive portable emergency shelters that can provide basic protection against the elements and disease that often follow natural catastrophes.
They are committed to solving this problem and ask technology students to submit their own creative solutions. How would your students solve the challenge of providing temporary housing for displaced persons? To keep costs low, could they design emergency shelters that incorporate the use of recycled materials?
We’ve just learned that famed professor and inventor Phineas T. Quirkbotham and his aspiring inventor nephew Thaddeus feel extremely concerned about the large number of people who end up homeless as a result of natural disasters like floods, earthquakes, and storms. The pro-fessor notes that millions can be displaced after each such incident, and, as a result, he and Thaddeus see an urgent need for effective and inexpensive portable emergency shelters that can provide basic protection against the elements and disease that often follow natural catastrophes.
They are committed to solving this problem and ask technology students to submit their own creative solutions. How would your students solve the challenge of providing temporary housing for displaced persons? To keep costs low, could they design emergency shelters that incorporate the use of recycled materials?
We also have information from a few of our advertisers:
NCCER is pleased to announce the release of Build Your Future 2010. Build Your Future is a fast-paced 15-minute video that brings construction into your classroom with craft professionals in action at exciting construction projects. Visit http://www.byf.org/ to see the video and find out how you can build yourfuture.
Cybershop ASE Prep Tests
Automotive, Advanced Engine Performance, Collision Repair and Refinish, Medium/Heavy Truck, thousands of questions.
Computer Based Testing (CBT) Software. Great addition to your existing ASE study guides and books.http://www.cybershop1.com/.
Teacher Geek is offering all tech directions subscribers 10% off orders placed on their website,http://www.teachergeek.com/. Just use the code techdi when placing your order!
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