Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Short video & cool blog link to Antartic Hydroponic Greenhouse
A friend of mine is a research scientist at the South Pole Station and has connected me with one of the scientists that operates the Hydroponic Greenhouse there. This short video has some very cool pictures of the station and the greenhouse. Joselyn Fenstermacher's blog is quite interesting and I am sure that many of you would enjoy it! She might be able to send me some video footage of their daily life which hopefully someday I will be able to share with you!
Monday, April 18, 2011
CNYTEA wishes Marty Collins a speedy recovery!
This past Friday morning, recently retired Durgee Jr. High Technology Teacher, Marty Collins, had extensive surgery on his damaged rotator cuff. Two of the four muscles were completely disrupted and distended and had to be pulled back more than one inch. His third muscle was damaged and repaired and some bone spurs were shaved off the bone as well. Marty said that everyone at the surgery center was incredible and that his doctor, Dr. Smart, is optimistic for a complete recovery!
Marty is now at home, but is still in a lot of pain. I believe that he would appreciate well wishes via e-mail mdc7610@gmail.com and any DVD movies or shop safety films or the like as he convalesces!
For those who don't know Marty, he is one of the driving forces that has kept our association intact for the past 20 or more years and one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet. He was the CNYTEA President in the 80's and has been hosting the "CNYTEA Year End Picnic" for many years. Let us all send him our well wishes and positive healing vibes!
He is planning on being ready and able to host the up-coming "CNYTEA Year End Picnic" at his home in Plainville, NY on Wednesday, May 18th @ 4:00 pm. I'm sure we will all pitch in to assist Marty in the preparation and the BBQing on that day!
With Marty's condition in mind and to assist us to assist him in the preparations. PLEASE RSVP to Marty or myself so that we can plan on the amount of food that needs to be prepared.
With Marty's condition in mind and to assist us to assist him in the preparations. PLEASE RSVP to Marty or myself so that we can plan on the amount of food that needs to be prepared.
Oswegatchie Camp ~ August 7 - 12th for any interested Teacher & Students
I have been associated with Oswegatchie Camp for most of my life... as a camper, counselor, Videographer and as the Camp Director. In the past few summers I have been bringing an average of 65 - 75 students from Baldwinsville for a week of summer camp. This year I have reserved two 65 passenger tour buses from Caz Limo and I'd like to fill them both up.
If you think that you may have some students that might be interested or your own children are between grades 6 - 11... I invite you to come along with my Baldwinsville group! The buses will be leaving Ray Middle School at 9:00 am Sunday, August 7th and will return back to the school on Friday, August 12th approximately 1:00 pm. The cost for the entire camping week and the tour bus transportation is just $320.00 if paid in full by June 1st. My Technology Class Blog has all the details on the trip and how to register.
I have all the promotional media (DVD & flyers) and all the registration will be through me at my school so please e-mail me if you have any further questions: mlepine@twcny.rr.com
As you watch the short video... you can see that the camp is a beautiful place and a lot of fun. If you are interested in coming up for the week.... teachers have free room and board but are expected to put in a few hours of camp projects such as construction of new cabins, restoration of a log cabin, and last summer we worked with a portable saw mill and processed lumber! There is also plenty of time to enjoy the camp's recreational activities or just relax and enjoy nature! My sister, Denise Krohn, also brings her students from Amsterdam too!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Design Squad Nation ~ Build it Big!
creativity by building a giant version of a Design Squad Nation activity. Check it out:The Design Squad Nation is challenging kids across the country to show their
Here's what to do:
• Form a team (that includes at least one adult)
• Choose an activity.
• Build it Big
• Upload a video of your design to YouTube and send the link to the DSN.
Prizes: One prize (a flip camera) will be awarded to the winning team
along with an opportunity to Skype with hosts Judy and Adam and pick their
You're Invited to the Junior Solar Sprint - Ithaca, NY - Saturday, June 4th
Dewitt Middle School Technology Education Teachers, Bob Walters & Dave Bucher, would like to invite any interested students from Central New York to participate in the annual Junior Solar Sprint Competition. This year's event will be on Saturday, June 4th.
It's open to any interested student or group of four students in grades 5 through 8.
Monday, April 4, 2011
New York State Technology Education: History, the Current State of Affairs, and the Future ~ Phil Dettelis
This week features an ITEEA article written by Phil Dettelis pdetteli@mail.nysed.gov Phil has been the New York State Technology Education Department's Assistant in Instructional Services for Technology Education for the past three years. Those of us who are members of ITEEA, regularly receive its Technology and Engineering Teacher publication.
Steve Poydock

Phil Dettelis' article New York State Technology Education: History, the Current State of Affairs, and the Future was included in its December/January 2011 issue. ITEEA and Phil provided CNYTEA written permission to share the article with our membership. The next 5 images can be clicked on and will enlarge to feature individual pages of his article. I expect you will find his article a very good - one person's - view of how Industrial Arts transitioned to Technology Education in New York State.
Steve Poydock

Help Wanted: CNYTEA members to help officiate at the 1st ever NY Electrathon Challenge @ The Glen
Help Wanted: CNYTEA members (possibly some of our esteemed retirees?) are needed to help officiate in Watkins Glen at the first ever NY Electrathon Challenge @ The Glen on Friday April 15th from 9am to 5pm. We need people to help inspect vehicles, count laps, and be track stewards. Come be a part of the biggest electrathon event NY state has ever seen. Teams are coming from as far away as Toronto, and the World Record holder from Maine will be racing as well. This is being held in conjunction with the Green Grand Prix, and we hope that you will help to make it a great success. If you would like to volunteer please email Chris Hurd at churd@caz.cnyric.org for more details. Thanks in advance for your support.
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